Thursday, August 7, 2008

JCL at the AMR

Charlie made his first appearance at my company, AMR Research, today. Lisa came down to the city and brought His Royal Awesomeness. Rather than cause a riot by rolling him through the halls, I reserved a conference room and let my friends come to visit, real Godfather style.

It's so fun to bring Charlie to a new audience. Certain compliments never, ever get old: "He is so cute." "I love this child." "I'm going to take him with me." Okay, the last one I can't say I care for, but I'm not too worried--I'm generally faster than most of my friends, so they won't get too far.

I loved seeing the array of reactions when I asked my colleagues if they wanted to hold him. "YES, I'LL TAKE HIM" was the biggest reaction. Others wanted no part of it: too much nervousness. Still others were content with those they had at home.

I'm not ready to get Charlie going in proofreading and editing our research, but at least he can find his way to the office now.

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