Thursday, March 5, 2009

Desperation Blog Post

Just short of a month since my last post--outrageous. This theme of my struggle to get blog time is getting tiresome to me, so I can only imagine how it is for our loyal readers. Tons of pics to come--Charlie was busy in February--as well as some long-overdue letters to baby from Daddy. In the meantime, a few highlights since he's blown past the eight-month mark:

--He was terribly ill with the Satan-spawned stomach flu going around these parts. He didn't eat much for about a week. He's now back to full health and full appetite, but what a miserable, sleepless, crabby weak for Sweet Baby J.

--He decided tonight to take part in my spelling practice with Brandon. As Brandon was reciting his test words, Charlie was right along with him sounding out letters, although in his usual alien language.

--Mommy has been teaching him to walk! With fairly little help, he walked to me today. Mind you he has never crawled.

--The kid is a ninja when it comes to picking the five-second window between diapers to pee on the bed. It's on Lisa's side every time, so I don't mind at all.

--I challenge anyone not to laugh when he gets going on something that he finds hilarious. Recent amusements include peekaboo from behind a wall, my dad doing the Boston Fox Trot and rushing towards him, and the ever-favorite Baby Drop, where I pick him up and let him freefall for a second. His adventure face during the latter is priceless.

Thanks for reading, everyone.