Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cleaning Out the Drawers

I moved Charlie's summer stuff into bags--he will be too big for them next year. I also sorted out some winter stuff that he has also outgrown. Found some clothing remnants in all the drawers that won't fit him any longer. We're giving the clothes to a friend with a newborn, so I feel better they are going to a good home.

This might not seem significant, but I can assure you there is an emotional attachment to those clothes. They each were a part of a day, or some time, in his young life. I remember some from specific pictures. I remember others from when we bought them, or they were given to him. Certain moments, all positive and happy.

My child is alive and well, and I am still very emotional about it. If I had to sort out the clothes of a child who had passed, I expect I would die on the spot.