Friday, July 11, 2008

Charliepics: Random Summer Snaps

Today is Friday, marking the end of my time at home with Charlie, Lisa, and the family. Back to work next week. I hope I don't miss out on too much of the random stuff that happens during the day, like how he looks as he feeds, the new noises, his ability to squirm and twist like he's possessed, or everything else that comes with life.

Charlie's first bling: an engraved gift from his aunt. It says Jason.
I enjoy every single part of this picture. I don't remember the context, and I'm glad, because it gives this pose an unknown story.
A tad overdressed, especially while lying on a comforter.
As my dad says, "These are the only legs in the world skinnier than mine."
The rest of Charlie's body on a perfect summer day.
In his aunt's arms. Happy boy.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Love the pictures. He does have skinny legs. But maybe I'm just used to looking at my porkchops legs, they are about the size of his head I'm guessing.