Saturday, June 28, 2008

Days Three and Four (Gram and Papa)

My parents joined the fun. My mom was scheduled to be in MA for a vacation, so this worked out perfectly. She was here Thursday and Friday, and headed to the Cape just as my Dad flew in on Saturday. Dad had his ticket for two weeks from now--the original due date--but he couldn't stand waiting, so he booked a quick flight out.

Here's a couple more pics. More thoughtful text to come soon...once I become quicker with changing diapers, making bottles, burping babies, and figuring out what to do with a urine-soaked hand.

Charlie before his first trip out of the house!

Gram and J (as my parents are going to call him) by the ocean; Swampscott, MA.

Three generations.

Papa's first meeting with his grandson. Papa's first words: "Hello there, perfect."

Personal time: the start of a wonderful relationship.

A rare moment where we got Charlie away from my Dad; Stephan looks quite pleased with his handiwork.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Oh Jason these are wonderful pictures. So sweet. You know I never liked babies until I got one of my very own. Now I love everyones babies! I can't get enough of them. Next thing you know they are 4 and you can't get them to stop talking. Good luck with the wet hands. hehehe