Monday, June 30, 2008

Days Five and Six (Papa's Visit)

Sunday was incredibly special as Dad, Lisa, Jason, and Charlie headed to Duxbury to visit with my brother Brian. We surprised him with our visit, and he seemed to geniunely appreciate us coming down. He was scared to hold Charlie at first (I get that...Charlie's the first baby I've ever been comfortable holding, and it even took me awhile), but he got into it.

Brian meets his nephew.

What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? You want me to hold Charlie?

Brian relents! And he loves it.

The Leary boys.

Mom more than happy to sit back and relax for once.

We spent the rest of Sunday at home. I absolutely loved watching my dad as a doting grandfather, more than happy to clean up poopy diapers and formula spit-up. He had a tone with Charlie that was so serene that I couldn't help but feel lucky to witness this very special relationship.
On Monday morning Papa headed home. I so wish my parents lived closer, but I must say that having them come in from far makes every visit all the more special.

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