Monday, June 30, 2008

Days Five and Six (Papa's Visit)

Sunday was incredibly special as Dad, Lisa, Jason, and Charlie headed to Duxbury to visit with my brother Brian. We surprised him with our visit, and he seemed to geniunely appreciate us coming down. He was scared to hold Charlie at first (I get that...Charlie's the first baby I've ever been comfortable holding, and it even took me awhile), but he got into it.

Brian meets his nephew.

What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? You want me to hold Charlie?

Brian relents! And he loves it.

The Leary boys.

Mom more than happy to sit back and relax for once.

We spent the rest of Sunday at home. I absolutely loved watching my dad as a doting grandfather, more than happy to clean up poopy diapers and formula spit-up. He had a tone with Charlie that was so serene that I couldn't help but feel lucky to witness this very special relationship.
On Monday morning Papa headed home. I so wish my parents lived closer, but I must say that having them come in from far makes every visit all the more special.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Days Three and Four (Gram and Papa)

My parents joined the fun. My mom was scheduled to be in MA for a vacation, so this worked out perfectly. She was here Thursday and Friday, and headed to the Cape just as my Dad flew in on Saturday. Dad had his ticket for two weeks from now--the original due date--but he couldn't stand waiting, so he booked a quick flight out.

Here's a couple more pics. More thoughtful text to come soon...once I become quicker with changing diapers, making bottles, burping babies, and figuring out what to do with a urine-soaked hand.

Charlie before his first trip out of the house!

Gram and J (as my parents are going to call him) by the ocean; Swampscott, MA.

Three generations.

Papa's first meeting with his grandson. Papa's first words: "Hello there, perfect."

Personal time: the start of a wonderful relationship.

A rare moment where we got Charlie away from my Dad; Stephan looks quite pleased with his handiwork.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pictures from Charlie's First Days on Earth

Jason Charles Leary opens his eyes to his new world.

Jason and Jason.

Little brother Brandon is now a big brother.

Big brother Stephan is an even bigger brother now.

Dija and her new boyfriend.

One perfect boy.

Day Two (Homecoming)

Lisa, in her infinite persuasion, convinced the hospital to let her out after only two days. No nurse could remember anyone leaving so quickly; her skillz, oh yes, they pay the billz. Anyway, we are home now. Gram (my mom) saw her grandson today, and is crazy over him. He's also been adored by his Auntie Lu, to-be godmother Liz, and his amazing brothers and sister, who have been better than I could have ever hoped about our new lives.

Enough text: how about some pictures?

He is tired of the hospital and ready to go home.

Gram with her new man.

A very tired Mommy gets to enjoy her boy at home.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day One (Statistics)

Jason Charles Leary: 20.5 inches that weigh 6 pounds, 9 ounces. He looks so much like me (and that's not fatherly pride): round face, exact mouth, blue eyes (for now...hopefully to stay), my skin color and complexion, even my flat feet. He must be all Lisa on the inside. He does have black hair under his jungle hat, which will probably fall out. He is quiet, mostly. When he cries, his entire body turns red. He has no complications despite coming three weeks early (July 17 was his due date). Lisa is recovering as well as could be. And me, I am changed. He's the most beautiful living being I have ever seen, and my life has a new core to revolve around.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day Zero (Red Sky at Night)

Jason Charles Leary, born around 11:00 a.m. ET in Boston, Massachusetts. Sunny, though later major clouds and intense storms come through in intervals before giving way to a gorgeous night. Mom is pulling through the C-section really well, Dad is delirious with the sound of his child--messy, gargling, healthy sounds--and Charlie's new brothers and sister are in love. Grandparents and close friends are acting like complete fools on the phone, and I couldn't be happier about it. He's healthy, he's beautiful, he's all we could have hoped for.

Like the enormous Citgo sign that flashes near the hospital, he represents something obvious, but means something abstract: he is too big to be seen for what he is.

This blog is to make him not exactly smaller, but to make him seen for what he is: a life among lives. I promise not to make this another venue for my "deep" thoughts, nor a place for me to put off writing because it's hard to write and worse to read. No, this will be new: freer, funnier, more frequent, and with less ego. Through another, my other, I give way to something better. I hope that my specific notes mean something to others, connecting to their lives in obvious ways and requiring feedback and stories that will enrich my life in return.

My begins again, but Charlie's, his begins
