Sunday, August 24, 2008

Month 3: Counting in Months

Now that Charlie enters his third month, it's time to start counting that way. 7 weeks means something when talking about babies; 26 weeks only means something during pregnancy or if you're launching a space shuttle! Otherwise, months it is.

After two full months, I'm proud to report the following dimensions: weight of 12 lbs., 14 oz., and a height of 23.5 inches. This puts him in the 75th percentile of weight and height, which is incredible considering he was in the 9th percentile when he was born. He's perfectly proportional, and perfectly huge. He'll probably be ripping apart phone books at age 5 and eating IHOPs for breakfast at age 10. For now, we can still pick him up, so we'll enjoy these moments while they exist.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Week 8: Uncle Mike

While the first month of Charlie's life is distinct for the first visits from almost everyone in the family from around here (except Uncle Todd--that will be sweet when Uncle and nephew finally get to meet), what stands out from Charlie's second month is his Uncle Mike.

Michael flew in from Trinidad, and has spent the last 4 weeks or so with us. While Charlie may not later in life have a conscious memory of his first experience with his uncle, I am certain that the positive energy, endless patience, and unbounded love that this man shared with this child will be in his heart for a lifetime.

Michael headed home today, and all of us are sad. In addition to his pervasive calm personality, his hilarious comments, and his penchant for doing all the housework and cooking for the rest of us, most of all we'll miss the love that he shares with all of us.

Now he will be reading this blog, so I'll try extra hard to keep it up to date: Charlie's life is now officially international.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Charliepics: Canobie Lake

From our recent visit to Canobie Lake. It's like Six Flags, just sized for New Hampshire.

Newsflash: Charlie Rules!

Time has been horrifically short of late, but I hate going so long without an update. There's plenty to write about and lots of new pictures--all will be coming when I can, promise.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lisa's First Day Back at Work

Today, for the first time in two months, Lisa left for work. Mercifully we still have family at home to watch Charlie, so we don't have the horrible shock of leaving him with daycare yet, but mother and son separating for the day is brutal enough. I am very sad for my lady and my son.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

In the Clearing Stands a Boxer....

I wanted an author, or at least someone famous in the arts. I may instead have a boxer on my hands.

You should see how Charlie swings as I play with him. Left hook, right hook, uppercut, jabs galore: he's an animal! At least he does me the courtesy of removing my glasses before pulverizing my face (no joke). He's obviously a gentleman (gentlebaby?) as well as a future pugilist. I just hope he grows facial hair better than I do, what with the handlebar mustache being a key part of the attire.

Or maybe he'll be both? Writer-boxer has been done before. Or maybe he's just a baby. Let's go with that...for now.

Observations from 7.5 Weeks Into This Thing

Time for a check-in on Charlie sundries from his appearance into our lives:

  • Babies really can hear when they are in the womb. The proof is how he recognized Stephan's voice the first time he spoke to him once he was born. Steph was the best at speaking to Lisa's belly during the pregnancy.

  • His mutant power? Turning ordinarily normal, reasonably intelligent adults into cooing fools (Discovery News says otherwise, but they are nerds who should be ignored.)

  • You cannot have enough of the following: cloths during feeding (gag rags, as my father calls them), clean bottles ready for use, silly songs oto appease fussier moods, people who are happy when they hold him.

  • I don't know how single parents do it.

  • The boy doesn't burp, he power-pukes.

  • The alternate words for poop all sound sexual. "Boom boom," "tit," call me if you want more...

  • Lisa is hypertuned to Charlie's needs. From the deepest sleep she will wake up instantly if he makes a soft noise. I'm glad for this, because I sleep like I died.

  • Baby clothes with some dopey saying can make even the most miserable, crusty crank crack a smile.

  • Grandparents will finally learn the features of their cell phones.

  • There is no law of diminishing returns on nickname production. For instance, Charlie begets Chubble, which begets Here Comes Chubble!, which begets Double Chubble, which begets Chubble Telescope, which begets Chubbawamba, which begets a new version of "I Get Knocked Down (Tubthumping)" with lyrics like "He takes a baby drink, he takes a yummy drink," et cetera ad infinitum.

  • When I come home from work and he hears my voice, he pumps his arms and flexes his face in what looks like excitement. I'm sure there are better feelings in the world, but those will have to come later, because right now, there is nothing


    nothing like it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Week 7: Baptism and Big Eyes at Night

With the pouring of water, a cross drawn with oil, and a glory to you lord, Charlie entered the group "People Who Qualify for Heaven." (Catholics only, please.) I have mixed feelings about taking him through a rite I don't fully support. Part of me feels good that those in his life for whom these beliefs are important will sleep better. It's a terrible thought that a loved one would end up down the wrong path simply because a simple act was not done in time. But part of me feels like a louse, letting my baby take part in something that I'm not on board with. As Father Moran said, the child isn't there to profess his faith. He's there because the parents had him take part.

Most people will say, "Well, it doesn't do any harm." I wonder, what kind of example is that to set, to say it's okay to publicly declare things you don't embrace because no on gets hurt? Isn't that moral weakness, or maybe decay?

Later the same night, Charlie's eyes are extra large. Or maybe I just feel extra small.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

JCL at the AMR

Charlie made his first appearance at my company, AMR Research, today. Lisa came down to the city and brought His Royal Awesomeness. Rather than cause a riot by rolling him through the halls, I reserved a conference room and let my friends come to visit, real Godfather style.

It's so fun to bring Charlie to a new audience. Certain compliments never, ever get old: "He is so cute." "I love this child." "I'm going to take him with me." Okay, the last one I can't say I care for, but I'm not too worried--I'm generally faster than most of my friends, so they won't get too far.

I loved seeing the array of reactions when I asked my colleagues if they wanted to hold him. "YES, I'LL TAKE HIM" was the biggest reaction. Others wanted no part of it: too much nervousness. Still others were content with those they had at home.

I'm not ready to get Charlie going in proofreading and editing our research, but at least he can find his way to the office now.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 6: Brandon and Charlie

I must say I am proud of Brandon. He has shown himself to be a very loving and supportive brother. I feel it important to state this considering the perspective of others.

I've found incredible consistency in the No. 2 question I'm asked related to Charlie. The first is some variety of how is he/how am I/am I sleeping. The second, almost verbatim, is "how is Brandon doing with him?" It dawned on us that jealousy was something to watch, him having to step aside as the youngest in the house. What didn't dawn on us was what a major concern this was for the rest of the world. I am grateful for the concern everyone who knows us has. I am equally grateful for the answer.

Sometimes Brandon wants some attention. But sometimes I want some attention, as does Lisa, as do Dija and Stephan. I'm pleased that Brandon is turning out to be just like us. Pleased, and not surprised at all.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


We recently found ourselves in New York for a couple of days. Here's a sampling of Charlie in the Big Apple.

Team Leary crossing the street in Manhattan.
Radio City Music Charlie!
Happy Pappy.
The coolest guy on the planet. And then there's P Diddy behind him.
Dija, Jason, and Charlie in front of Charley's in Times Square. We asked the restaurant to change its spelling.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Charliepics: Lisa's Birthday

For Lisa's birthday, we went to Red Rock Bistro in the sadly named Swampscott, MA. Here are a few pics from our night out.

Charlie in style, ready to hit the town!
...okay, maybe not quite ready to hit the town.
Jason and Jason.
Michael and Dija at Lisa's birthday dinner.
Lisa and Brandon in a nice moment during dinner.
Charlie waiting patiently for Mom to open his gift.
Charlie's gifts: Irish-themed bibs and shirts!
Okay, fun time over...
Family pic in Swampscott, Massachusetts.

Charliepics: Emergency Posting

I've had an unusually busy week, so I have been remiss in updating my blog. Unlike other blogs of mine that gain virtual dust with almost no notice in the outside world, Jason Charles has a serious, and easily angered, contingent. To quell possible violence, let me post some pics, stat. I've got some new stories coming up as well, including our trip to NYC. For now, enjoy some beautiful randomness.

Dad singing something ridiculous to Charlie. Photo by Brandon
This face is saying something emotional: not sure if it's horror, shock, or mock terror.
Charlie and his Uncle Mikey
The boys of Lynn